What is so great about the Apple AirTag?
The Apple AirTag is an amazing piece of technology. It has an incredible ability to track your wallet, keys, purses, backpack, bicycle, vehicles, etc. with ease. You might be one of the millions of people using these AirTags to keep an eye on your valuables. These trackers simply are remarkable. Recently, I took a trip from California to Florida. I purposely attached an Apple AirTag to my luggage. When boarding the plane, I was able to pull up Apple’s “Find My” app and see that my bag had in fact made it to my plane. Then, upon arriving in Dallas for my layover, I looked at my phone and watched the bag be moved from one terminal to the other, reassuring me that my bag had made it to my next flight from Dallas to Orlando. This was a great user experience and incredibly reassuring that I would have my bag upon arrival at my destination.
Although the AirTags have been receiving some negative press regarding stalking and vehicle theft, Apple is working on security measures in an attempt to thwart the actions of those who intend to use the AirTags for harm or ill-intent. Apple has already implemented a notification to someone in proximity of an AirTag when the AirTag is moving with them. Most likely Apple will continue to tighten their safety measures.
The Apple AirTag works best when you have your phone
On my travels, I needed my phone to watch the progress of my luggage. Without my phone, I couldn’t have located my bag and tracked its movement. Thus, the phone becomes an integral part of the experience. Most trackers are very good at tracking personal items, but the phone is necessary to complete their tracking capabilities. AirTags can be accessed through a laptop; however, doing so can be quite burdensome. Thus, to track personal items, it becomes extremely important to not forget, misplace, or lose your phone.
The Prox PRD® advantage
So, if a tracker like Apple’s AirTags are tracking personal items, what is keeping an eye on the phone? Most trackers are highly focused on items that could get lost. Well, the phone could get lost too and the trackers are not focused on the phone. The assumption is that the phone is with you, but is it really always with you? Research shows that the phone is the most forgotten item as shown below in the “Top 10 Most Commonly Forgotten Items."

And, the number of smartphones lost or stolen in the United States is quite staggering:

So, chances are, at some point, it is very likely you will leave your phone behind. Sometimes, it just may be leaving it at home on the charger before heading to the office or leaving it in the car before walking into the terminal. Either way, you are not with your phone 24/7 or sometimes when you absolutely need it the most.
The basic premise of a tracker is that you have your phone
For a tracker to work, you need to have your phone and the app open. With AirTags you can access it via a laptop, but it can be a bit burdensome. Having your phone can only be assured with a phone reminder device. Some trackers have attempted a phone separation alert albeit unsuccessfully due to false alerts, significant phone battery drain, or unreasonably lengthy distance and time before alerting. A unique phone reminder device solution was necessary…and now it is here – the Prox PRD® phone reminder device.
What makes the Prox PRD® so special and unique?
1) The Prox PRD® (Phone Reminder Device) is the only anti-loss phone separation alert device on the market which will pair with your phone in just a few seconds, operate without a battery-draining mobile app (thus not requiring an additional app to the tracker’s app or Apple’s “Find My” app).
2) The Prox PRD has undergone thousands of hours of engineering development to ensure that there are no false alerts. Its Smart Learning technology aggressively learns any new environment to seek out the most robust and stable frequencies. When there is an alert, you can be assured you are separated from your phone.
3) The Prox PRD operates without location tracking (location services) which drains your phone’s battery. It operates without registration or a subscription, thus giving users the absolute peace of mind of 100% privacy.
4) The Prox PRD is adjustable, where you can select your preferred alert distance and your preferred alert tune.
5) The Prox PRD has an accelerometer, so it knows when you are on the move, thus only alerting you when it knows you are moving without your phone.
6) The Prox PRD does not alert during an OS update in the middle of the night. It also seamlessly navigates “airplane mode”, the turning off of Bluetooth®, and a phone shutting off when its battery goes dead. No alerts in the middle of the night…only when you are on the move!
7) The Prox PRD is durable and built to last. It is designed to operate from a temperature range of -4ºF to +140ºF.
8) The Prox PRD also comes with a bonus selfie clicker feature that is always on and always ready for that special moment with family or friends. There is no longer a need to use the phone’s camera timer. And you can continue to take multiple pictures without returning to the phone to reset the timer.
9) The Prox PRD has an estimated battery life of up to 12 months based on some very sophisticated firmware that allows the PRD to conserve energy when not in use.
The Prox PRD used with Apple AirTags
The Prox PRD when clipped to a keyring or a purse (the item that you will have with you before you head out) will always let you know if you have left your phone behind, if your phone has dropped out of your pocket, or if you left it at the restaurant. Once you know you have your phone with you, you can use your tracker (like the Apple AirTag) to recover the rest of your personal items. Be sure you have your phone first so you can track the rest. And, to be sure you have your phone, be sure you have the Prox PRD®.
The Prox PRD® Phone Reminder Device
Phone Separation Alert | Phone Reminder | Phone Tether | Phone Finder | Phone Leash | Phone Tracker | Find My Phone
#PhoneSeparationAlert #PhoneReminder #PhoneTether #PhoneFinder #PhoneLeash #PhoneTracker #FindMyPhone
No subscription | No data collected or sold | CR2032: 1-year battery life (typical)
No password | No app | No registration | iPhone, Samsung, Google Pixel Compatible